All posts by admin

Weather cancellations again… (Brutal winter is brutal)

Lawrence Five Rings Fencing fencers, It may be a bit premature, but the forecast for Tuesday night is for enough snow, and subzero temperatures, that I do not want to hold fencing practice. It would not surprise me if the church asked us not to, as well. So. No fencing Tuesday, the 18th. I expect temperatures to literally be 30 degrees warmer the following week.

KC Fencers, I’m highly doubtful that Académie Lafayette will be open Wednesday, the 19th. Stay tuned.

Weather, schedules.

Five Rings Fencing, we will fence tonight in Lawrence, February 11th. IF we are VERY lucky, we will fence tomorrow at Lafayette. But the forecast being what it is, I expect they will likely cancel. Regardless, Friday is scheduled for parent teacher conferences. So, see my KC people tomorrow, weather permitting, and not again until Wednesday the 19th.

Holiday Schedules 2024

Holiday schedules:

Academie Lafayette will close next week for Thanksgiving break. So, tomorrow, Friday the 22nd. is it for KC fencing until Wednesday, December 4th.

Lawrence practices continue as usual, excepting no practice on Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve.

Our last day to fence before Academie Lafayette’s Christmas break is December 18th. We return to fencing January 8th.